
Posts Tagged ‘Maine’

Last Days of Summer: Labor Day in Maine

September 9, 2010 Leave a comment

Traditionally, Labor Day marks the end of summertime. Usually, this is a major bummer. But this year, I think my family had a pretty awesome summer, making it a little easier to watch it go.

Toddler with Shovel

Emmett and His Shovel in the Boat

Some of this summer’s highlights:

  1. Emmett got his first buzz cut.
  2. James and I got engaged and started planning our wedding. (Have I directed you to our wedding website yet?)
  3. We visited with Cousin Gus, Aunt A and Uncle Mac in Michigan.
  4. Emmett took swim lessons.
  5. We had Emmett’s first trip to the Jersey shore with Nana, Gran-D and Aunt Niki.

A couple of days in Maine with Gran Lucy, Grandpa Mac, Uncle Shawn, Aunt Sara and Cousin Ben were a great way to top off the summer.  We enjoyed a yummy lobster feast (and learned just how much Emmett enjoys corn on the cob), spent some time on the beach and the boat, did some shopping in Freeport for Emmett’s fall wardrobe, and mainly just relaxed.

grandma and grandsons

Emmett with Gran Lucy and Cousin Ben

Toddler eating corn on the cob

Emmett Devours His Corn on the Cob

Toddler and Lobster

Emmett Confronts a Lobster With a Grill Lighter

Who else is looking forward to toddlers playing in piles of leaves in the fall and making snowmen in the winter?  I know Em and I are.

For more photos from our Labor Day visit in Maine, view the set on Flickr.

Age Timer: 19 months, 3 weeks

Categories: holidays, Weekly Updates Tags: ,

Emmett on a Boat

July 22, 2009 5 comments

The three of us headed up to Maine last weekend for Sara’s baby shower.  Sara, with her cute little baby bump, got a lot of good baby loot, and we had a great time hanging out in the beautiful weather on the Maine coast for the weekend.

Sara with one of her gifts

Sara with one of her gifts

We also took Emmett out on his first boat ride!  Although I’m pretty sure he wasn’t a huge fan of the life jacket we stuffed him into.  Babies have no necks to begin with, and when you put them in a life vest (which makes normal people lose their necks), they lose the lower half of their faces, too.  But man is it ridiculously adorable …

Emmett's life jacket

Emmett's life jacket

Emmett on a boat

Emmett on a boat

I also took Emmett to his 6-month checkup yesterday.  He’s up to 18 lbs. 3 oz. and 28 inches “tall” now!  We also got the go ahead to start him on fruits and veggies, too!  Applesauce and butternut squash, here we come!

To see more pictures of Emmett’s Maine weekend, check out the 7th month set on Flickr.

Age Timer: 6 months, 6 days

Baby’s First Beach Fire

It sounds way worse than it actually is.  Maybe I should’ve titled it, “Baby’s First Fire on the Beach.”  Eh – either way, it sounds like Emmett is committing arson.

Anyway, during an impromptu trip up to Maine last weekend (James was needed by his parents for some manual labor.  I shopped.), we made an awesome little fire on the beach.  James’ parents actually live right on the coast of Freeport, Maine in Casco Bay.  Here’s a shot of the fantastic view from their backyard:

Backyard View of Casco Bay

Backyard View of Casco Bay

Just beyond the lawn in their backyard, there is a steep embankment that leads down to the beach, which is where we started the fire.  Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure it was actually my first fire on a beach as well (please let me know if I’m wrong and I’ve actually had a beach fire with you before).  Kind of cool to share a first with my own son.

Emmett was definitely mesmerized by the fire …

Emmett Studying the Fire

Emmett studying the fire

Emmett with Gran Lucy by the ocean.

Emmett with Gran Lucy by the ocean.

Grandpa Mac and Gran Lucy bought Emmett his first life jacket, which makes James and I very excited for Em’s first boat ride this summer  🙂

Age Timer: 4 months, 6 days

Categories: Firsts, video, Weekly Updates Tags: , , ,