
Posts Tagged ‘independence’

Mr. Independent

July 16, 2009 2 comments

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind.  We had the Fourth of July (which was a lot of fun – Emmett almost stayed awake through all the fireworks), Gus was born and I’ve been super busy with work.  I finally got around to taking Emmett with me to HubSpot (the company I work for) one day, too!

Oh yeah, and it’s as if because Emmett is 6 months old now (I know, half a year? SO hard to believe!), he thinks he’s become Mr. Independent or something.  Our little trick of feeding Emmett with the aid of the Boppy no longer works.  Instead, he wants to try to hold the bottle and feed himself.  I guess he doesn’t need me anymore …

Here are some picture highlights from the past couple weeks …

Just another day in the life.

Just another day in the life.

Happy baby!

Happy baby!

Kisses from mom.

Kisses from mom.

Eskimo kisses from dad.

Eskimo kisses from dad.

Nap with his caterpillar.

Nap with Mr. Caterpillar.

Age Timer: 6 MONTHS!

My Baby’s Bumbo

April 22, 2009 1 comment
Em and His Bumbo

Em and His Bumbo

Emmett’s Bumbo came in the mail today!  I used some of my Babies ‘R Us gift card money to order one, along with an additional Boppy slipcover.  It’s like Christmas!  Thanks to everyone who gave me a Babies ‘R Us gift card – consider yourselves the givers of these two wonderful purchases.

Emmett LOVES his Bumbo so far – he’s so gosh darn independent now!

Age Timer: 13 weeks, 5 days

Emmett in the Nursery

February 17, 2009 1 comment
Independent Emmett

Independent Emmett

What a little weekend of milestones!  Emmett turned one month old yesterday (can you believe it?) and spent his first night in his very own bedroom (which I think was a lot tougher on mommy than it was on baby).

James and I pretty much spent the whole weekend planning and rearranging the furniture in our apartment with the goal of finally setting up the nursery (for the most part).  To make the transition from our bedroom to the nursery a little easier (again, probably just for me), we’ve left the crib in our room for the time being and set up the Pack ‘N Play in the nursery.  I figured this would make things a lot simpler if I decided I didn’t like how things were going after the first couple of nights and wanted Em back in our room again.

I’m happy to report that the night went pretty well (normal behavioral hiccups aside).  It may have taken me a little longer than usual to get to sleep due to worries about possible baby monitor malfunctions or kitty mishaps (thankfully, Oliver kept his distance), but in the end, it seemed to work out pretty well.  I like to think Emmett enjoyed his independence, too.

Maybe I’ll still give it a couple more nights before we move the crib into the nursery for good.  You know, just to be sure …

(Pictures of new apartment setup and nursery to come …)

Age Timer: 4 weeks, 4 days