
Posts Tagged ‘Babies “R” Us’

My Baby’s Bumbo

April 22, 2009 1 comment
Em and His Bumbo

Em and His Bumbo

Emmett’s Bumbo came in the mail today!  I used some of my Babies ‘R Us gift card money to order one, along with an additional Boppy slipcover.  It’s like Christmas!  Thanks to everyone who gave me a Babies ‘R Us gift card – consider yourselves the givers of these two wonderful purchases.

Emmett LOVES his Bumbo so far – he’s so gosh darn independent now!

Age Timer: 13 weeks, 5 days

“What flavor are you having?”

July 30, 2008 3 comments

James and I have been fielding a lot of the same questions lately.  The most frequently asked one? …

“Are you going to find out what flavor you’re having?”

Technically, James and I could find out on Monday (we’re getting another ultrasound – yay!).  Buuuut we’ve decided not to because we want it to be the ultimate surprise.  Even though most people shoot back by saying that finding out the sex is a surprise either way, we honestly don’t think it’d be one of nearly the same caliber as finding out the day our lump is born.

We’re renting our apartment, and it’s not like I’m going to be painting or hard-core decorating the nursery anyway (although we are very thankful we decided to rent the two bedroom, even if the extra bedroom was originally intended to be “the office”) .  Plus, James thinks it’d be extra cool if he were the one to tell me what flavor it is, and I happen to think that’s a pretty darn good idea.

I’m not going to lie though, not knowing Baby Lump’s flavor will make it a little difficult to buy those initial newborn outfits.  Browsing through the infant department of clothing stores, I’ve realized there aren’t too many gender-neutral baby clothes.  Luckily, this has inhibited some premature baby clothes shopping sprees on my part.  My mom and I were able to find a couple pretty neutral sets of Carter’s pajamas at Babies “R” Us the other week (I think bears and ducks and polka dots are pretty gender-neutral), though they are somewhat few and far between.

So for all of you who are itching to buy (I kid, I kid) Baby Lump some cool new duds, you’ll either have to do some digging or wait to find out lump’s flavor in January.

Oven Timer: 16 weeks, 2 days